Just Bee True 2 You

founded in 2014 by

Meet our Team

Allison Peck
Creative Director
Allison is an Advanced Akashic Practitioner and visual artist. She incorporates both practices into an offering called Soul Expression: an Akashic Art Reading in which she provides a mini tarot spread, an Akashic Record Reading, and a personalized Akashic Artwork for clients. This custom circular artwork can act as a personal talisman: an aesthetic expression of the aspect of Soul explored in the reading, with an image on the front and a written message on the back.
Soul Expression: Akashic Art Reading
~ subsidized during the pandemics ~
+ 4-card tarot spread
+ 50 minute Akashic Reading & Recording
+ Akashic Artwork (8" circle, both sides)
$130-180/session with promo codes
~ please visit her website for more info ~
Nina Barlow
Operations Director
Nina (she/they) is an Advanced Akashic Records Practitioner, Reiki Master, and Kundalini Yoga teacher. She empowered herself by using tools such as meditation, energy healing, and the akashic records to tune into her intuition, body, and feelings after years of disconnection, dissociation, healing from trauma, and feeling lost.
It is her greatest wish for folks to be their own teachers and healers, to know and trust their unique intuitive channel and to exist from a place of wholeness, living out their purposes each and every day, co-creating with spirit.
~ Offerings ~
Akashic Record Reading // Reiki Energy Healing
60 minutes
~ please visit her website for more information ~

Lily Rose Marks
Content Writer
Lily loves being on the JustBeeTrue2You team.
She supports Helen as a content writer/creator/editor, wherever she is needed! If you are interested in hiring Lily for her ghostwriting services, her rate is $75/hr. She is also an Akashic Records reader and does healing in the subconscious mind, tailoring her sessions to the client.
~ Akashic Record Practitioner // Content Writer/Creator/Editor //
Ghost Writing Services ~ $75/hr
Akashic Records Readings & Subconscious Healing Sessions (tailored to each client) ~ $150/hr
Tatiana Valdivia Johnson
Community Director
Tatiana is committed to sharing the illuminating power of the Akashic Records, her dedication to uplifting humanity is unparalleled. She exudes gift and skill that support an individual in aligning with their highest potential. Through her journey of inner self-discovery, her Akashic connection has expanded and evolved. As a practitioner, she uses her unique Infinite Source Pathway© to access your Holographic Library of the Cosmos of which the Akashic Records are within. When we access information from these higher realms and your intergalactic records we access infinite all. We can obtain useful and necessary information to help support others in their human elevating journey, enriching their lives in energetic and physical ways.
~ Holographic Record Practitioner// Certified Reiki Master & Teacher// Photographer //
Use code: YesYes for 15% off any 60 or 30 min Session ~